Brick Hill Plant Lab Plants, Starts & Seeds
Brick Hill Plant Lab | Plants, Starts & Seeds
Plants are our palette. Plants are the materials by which we convey concept and cultivate community. Plants - as paintings - start from the ground. The studio is the foundation of the practice. The Brick Hill Plant Lab employs plants as experiments in process, placemaking, and performativity. Every stage of a plant's life cycle contributes to the studio practice and the critical study of interaction with and appreciation of people, place, and time.
By collecting and experimenting with plants, the Brick Hill Plant Lab archives local cultural and social histories.
Here we will describe the conceptual and philosophical meanings plants have as integral mediums in a studio practice that cultivates placemaking and placekeeping, social justice, and activism.
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Brick Hill Plant Lab Plants, Starts & Seeds

Brick Hill Plant Lab | Plants, Starts & Seeds
Studio Experiments from Seed
Material studies are inherent to any studio practice. Mastering craftsmanship is a life-long process of doing and undoing, failing, failing better, recalibrating milestones, shifting hypothesis, and recontextualizing.
The Brick Hill Plant Lab ongoing material study includes but is not limited to, the following:
Achillea 'Double Diamond'
Achillea 'Double Diamond' Pearl Yarrow
Achillea 'White Yarrow'
Ageratum 'White Bouquet'
Ageratum Mix
Agrostemma 'Ocean Pearls'
Alyssum Dwarf Rainbow Mix Alyssum
Alyssum Tall White Sweet Alyssum
Amaranth Emerald TasselsAmaranthus Seed
Atriplex Copper PlumeOrganic Atriplex Seed
Bachelor's Button Black Boy - Bachelor's Button
Bachelor's Button Black ButtonCentaurea Seed
Basil AromattoOrganic Basil Seed
Basil Cardinal Basil
Basil Dark Purple Opal Basil
Basil Lemon Basil
Basil Persian Basil
Basket Flower - White
Calendula 'Frost Princess'
Calendula Snow Princess Calendula
Celosia 'Flamingo Feather'
Chamomile German Chamomile
Columbine 'Black Barlow'
Columbine 'Lime Sorbet'
Coriander Indian Coriander
Cosmos 'Apricot Lemonade'
Cosmos 'Apricotta'
Cosmos 'Cupcakes White'
Cosmos 'Cupcakes White'
Cosmos 'Snowpuff'
Cosmos 'Sonata™ White'
Cosmos Double Click Snow PuffCosmos Seed
Cosmos Fizzy WhiteCosmos Seed
Cosmos Japanese Kiiro Cosmos
Cupid's Dart
Feverfew 'Snowball'
Feverfew 'Tetra White Wonder'
Feverfew 'White Stars'
Feverfew VirgoMatricaria Seed
Globe Thistle 'Star Frost'
Hyacinth Bean 'Ruby Moon'
Irish Poet Tassel Flower
Job's Tears
Larkspur 'Fancy Smokey Eyes'
Larkspur Misty LavenderLarkspur Seed
Maltese Cross 'Dawn Sky'
Marigold Kilimanjaro White Marigold
Mexican Sour Gherkin
Monarda Spotted Bee Balm
Nasturtium 'Milkmaid'
Nasturtium Yeti Nasturtium
Nicotiana Tobacco 'Bella'
Nicotiana Tobacco 'Lime Green'
Nicotiana Tobacco 'Starlight Dancer'
Nigella Delft BlueNigella Seed
Nigella Love-in-a-Mist 'African Bride'
Nigella Love-in-a-Mist, Mixed Colors
Pimpinella major 'Rosea'
Poppy Black Peony Poppy
Poppy California Poppy - Wildflower
Poppy California Poppy, Purple Gleam
Poppy Giant Rattle Breadseed Poppy
Poppy Hungarian Blue Breadseed Poppy
Queen Anne's Lace 'Dara'
Rose Campion 'Alba'
Scabiosa 'Black Knight'
Scabiosa 'Drumsticks'
Scabiosa 'Fata Morgana'
Scabiosa 'Snowmaiden'
Scabiosa Fama WhiteScabiosa Seed
Scabiosa Oxford BlueScabiosa Seed
Scabiosa SnowmaidenScabiosa Seed
Snapdragon Apple Blossom Snapdragon
Strawflower Vintage WhiteStrawflower Seed
Sunflower 'Italian White'
Sunflower Buttercream(F1) Sunflower Seed
Sunflower Strawberry Blonde(F1) Sunflower Seed
Tomatillo Purple
Toothache Plant - Bullseye
Toothache Plant Bullseye Toothache Plant
Verbena - Vervain 'Polaris'
Watermelon Moon and Stars Yellow Flesh
Zinnia Oklahoma WhiteZinnia Seed
Zinnia Polar Bear - Zinnia
Zinnia Queen Lime with BlushZinnia Seed
Zinnia Queen Lime with BlushZinnia Seed
Zinnia Queen Lime Zinnia